Shri Chottey Sarkarji

In Indore Darbar, a disciple of Shri Indore Sarkar, used to do his seva (seva means physical labour). Guru Ramdass (Guru Maharaj) was handicapped due to weak legs and other disciples would carry him and bring him to Shri Indore Sarkar. Guru Maharaj would get down at a little distance and then drag himself to give chillum to Shri Indore Sarkar (Chillum is a form of traditional intoxicant smoked by Sadhus). Out of respect for Shri Indore Sarkar, Guru Maharaj would never look him in the eyes.

One day, Shri Indore Sarkar asked him “Why do you drag yourself? Go to Delhi, go to Delhi Darbar”. (At that time there was no Delhi Darbar). A disciple dropped Guru Maharaj to the railway station in Indore from where he boarded a train for Ratlam where he changed trains and reached Delhi. He did not have any money on him but as he was handicapped, no one asked him for his train ticket.

When the train stopped at Delhi everyone deboarded except Guru Maharaj. A porter asked him where he wanted to go, he replied Delhi. The porter told him that this is Delhi station and the train will go to the railway yard from here. He lifted Guru Maharaj and put him down on the platform. Having no place to go to, Guru Maharaj started reciting Dada Naam and the porter went about doing his work. After a few hours when the same porter noticed Guru Maharaj still sitting at the same place, he asked him where he wanted to go. Guru Maharaj again replied Delhi. The porter then offered to take Guru Maharaj outside and call for a rickshaw. Once outside the porter again asked Guru Maharaj where is that he would like to go. Guru Maharaj replied that he does not know and he has come to Delhi because his Guru (Shri Indore Sarkar) asked him to go to Delhi. The porter was losing his patience and he went away murmuring leaving Guru Maharaj alone there.

Outside the station there was a hawker named Babban who used to sell sugarcane cubes. He started talking to Guru Maharaj and when Guru Maharaj told him why he has come to Delhi and why he has no idea where to go next, Babban felt sorry for him and gave him a few sugarcane cubes to eat. When night fell, Babban noticed that Guru Maharaj was still sitting at the same place so he offered to take Guru Maharaj to his home. He picked up Guru Maharaj and put him on his cart and pushed his cart all the way home.

At home, he shared his meal, which his wife had prepared, with Guru Maharaj who soon fell asleep reciting Dada Naam. The next morning after taking a bath, Babban bathed Guru Maharaj. Not sure about leaving Guru Maharaj at home, he asked him again if there is any place where he could drop him. On getting the same reply as last evening, he decided to take Guru Maharaj with him to sell his sugarcane cubes. That day the two of them together hawked sugarcane cubes and their sales doubled. This went on for 2 – 3 days and Babban became comfortable with the idea of leaving Guru Maharaj home while going to work.

Every evening Guru Maharaj would sing Dadaji’s bhajan (devotional songs) and people from nearby would gather to listen to him. Gradually they became his disciples and when their wishes started getting fulfilled, their devotion in him grew manifold. One day Guru Maharaj asked Babban to take him to Yamuna river. Babban sat him on his bicycle and took him to the river which was nearby. After bathing in the river when they were on their way back, Guru Maharaj got off midway and told Babban to carry on. Babban did not want to leave Guru Maharaj and he insisted that Guru Maharaj go with him. Guru Maharaj said “No, this is the place where I have to be, you go and keep coming to visit me”.  This is the place where Delhi Darbar was built a few years later.

At that time a few shops and houses were demolished to make way for a new road in that area. Amongst his disciples there were a few policemen who were on suspension at the time. Guru Maharaj would ask them to get the rubble from nearby to raise the level of the ground where he had built his hut. Surprisingly enough these policemen were reinstated well before their suspension was due to get over. This observation spread like wildfire amongst the police personnel and resulted in many more policemen coming over to seek his blessings.

One of his disciples was the driver of independent India’s first president, Dr. Rajendra Prashad. One day he told Guru Maharaj that his master suffers from ill health due to asthma. Guru Maharaj gave him a few flower petals for the president and the driver gave them to the president’s sister, who also used to stay in the presidential palace, telling her all about Guru Maharaj. For two days the driver would take flower petals from Guru Maharaj for the president. On the third day the president’s sister came to Guru Maharaj to seek his blessings and told him that her brother was feeling much better thanks to him but wasn’t able to come in person as his work keeps him busy all the time. She humbly requested Guru Maharaj to accompany her to the presidential palace and Guru Maharaj agreed. He would often visit the president at his residence and sometimes spend a night or two there on his request. Guru Maharaj’s disciples started visiting him at the presidential palace and some of them would smoke the chillum with him. A few palace officials objected to this and complained to the president’s sister. She spoke to Guru Maharaj and told him that while she has no problem with him smoking the chillum but it is against the rules and since others too have started to smoke, she requested him to ask his followers not to smoke. Guru Maharaj replied that he will not say anything to his disciples and from that day onwards he would only pay a visit to the presidential palace during the day and not spend the night there.

During his lifetime many followers made him their Guru and he established the Delhi Darbar. This is how Shri Indore Sarkar’s statement “Go to Delhi, go to Delhi Darbar” was materialised. Today thousands of people visit Delhi Darbar each year and pay respect to Guru Maharaj at his samadhi (place of burial).

In 1965 a 3-year-old boy used to come to Indore Darbar and play with Shri Indore Sarkar. Shri Indore Sarkar was very fond of this child and he adopted him. He named him ‘Chottey Sarkar’ and raised him by giving him a formal and religious education.

In 1966 Shri Indore Sarkar brought Shri Chottey Sarkar to Delhi Darbar and told Guru Maharaj’s disciples that Shri Chottey Sarkar was Guru Maharaj’s reincarnation. Guru Maharaj used to tell his disciples then in his next life he will be so active that his disciples would have a tough time keeping up with him. He would also tell them that as a child he will perform many miracles and Shri Chottey Sarkarji did indeed perform many miracles as a child. He also spoke of certain things to a few disciples that only they and Guru Maharaj knew of and was not common knowledge. One day as a child, Shri Chottey Sarkarji climbed on top Guru Maharaj’s samadhi and started saying “The one who is inside, is outside” thereby conveying that he is indeed Guru Maharaj’s reincarnation. All such incidents convinced Guru Maharaj’s disciples that Shri Chottey Sarkar is indeed their Guru Maharaj.

Shri Chottey Sarkar leads his disciples by performing and making them perform various Vedic rituals, prayers and Havan. His sole aim in life is to be devoted to Dadaji Maharaj and get others to join him on this path of devotion.