
It is said that there are six hundred seventy million & sixty seven thousand places of worship on river Narmada. The ritual of circumambulation is as old as Hinduism itself and even today Sadhus and ordinary people circumambulate the river in buses. Shri Gauri Shankar, Shri Badey Dadaji, Shri Chottey Dadaji, Shri Badey Sarkarji and after them Shri Chottey Sarkarji are carrying on the tradition of circumambulation of the river. Amongst all the rivers in the world, its only Narmada river where this practice is followed.

Shri Chotte Dadaji used to say that taking a bath in Yamuna river for seven days, in Saraswati river for three days and in the river Ganga for one day will cleanse a person of his sins but the mere sight of river Narmada is enough. Once when Shri Chottey Dadaji was taking a dip in Narmada in Omkareshwar a disciple found a brass statue of a lady in the river. Shri Chottey Dadaji exclaimed that the statue is of Goddess Narmada and the statue is still kept in Khandwa Darbar where people pay their obeisance. Adi Shankracharya and countless others have performed penance on the banks of Narmada and it is regarded as a place to gain spiritual powers. That the banks of this river are holy is mentioned in Markandeya Purana and Skand Purana (ancient Hindu scriptures). Narmada is the only Goddess to whom followers of Shri Dadaji Maharaj pray in Dada Darbar.